Negotiating Committee
This is special ad hoc committee established to prepare collective bargaining proposals and to negotiate a collective agreement. The committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President and three (3) members (three full-time and one alternate) for the City unit and President and two (2) members (two full-time and one alternate) for the Library unit.
Special Committees
A special ad hoc committee may be established for a specified purpose and period by the membership at a meeting. The members shall be elected at the same or another membership meeting or may, by specific authorization of the membership, be appointed by the President or the Executive Committee.
Standing Committees
Grievance Committee
This committee shall process all grievances not settled at the initial stage. The committee is comprised of the elected President, Vice-President and applicable Chief Steward from the City Unit for the Corporation of the City of Welland grievances, Chief Steward from the Library Unit for the Welland Public Library grievances and (if needed) the effected unit steward for either the City Unit or the Library Unit. If you think you have a grievance, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive.
Education Committee
The purpose of this committee is to:
- Arrange for representation of the Local at any appropriate and available educational seminar or conference and submit recommendations accordingly to the Executive Committee;
- Instruct delegates in the preparation of reports to the membership on seminars and conferences and maintain a reference file of these reports;
- Co-operate with the Executive Committee in preparing press releases and other publicity material;
- Co-operate with the Union Development Department (Education) and Communications Branch of CUPE, and with the regional education representative, in implementing both the Local’s and CUPE’s policies in these fields. The committee shall comprise between three (3) and five (5) members and shall appoint its secretary from among its members.
For more detailed information about the Local’s committees, please see the Bylaws